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Database [Indonesia] Aryaduta.com (Hotels) Sql Leak 2024

Chahat Fateh Khan Hackur

Staff member
Jun 5, 2024

Leaks data 04.2024
SQL (sales, contacts 40K+26K, accounts 17K+20K)

INSERT INTO `accounts` (`idaccount`, `idindustri_FK`, `countriescode_FK`, `KODE_PROP_FK`, `ID_KOTA_FK`, `idcomseg_FK`, `idsales_FK`, `account_name`, `office_phone`, `office_phone_ext`, `fax_phone`, `other_phone`, `acct_email`, `website`, `address`, `birthday`, `postal_code`, `description`, `parent`, `date_created`, `date_modified`, `ip_address`, `ip_address_modified`, `is_hca`, `account_type`, `parentid`, `zoneid_FK`, `areaid_FK`) VALUES

(11223, 67, 'ID', 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3173', 'GRG', 144, 'Kementrian Agama RI', '622131924509', '', '', '0', 'jakarta@kemenagri.go.id', ' ', 'Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.6 2 1, RT.2/RW.1, Kb. Sirih, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia', '0000-00-00', '10340', '', 0, '2019-12-23 11:55:24', NULL, '', NULL, 'no', 'NON NKA', 0, NULL, NULL),

(11224, 2, 'SG', 'SG.01', '', 'COR', 82, 'Asia Pacific MSME Trade Coalition (AMTC)', '+65 65363414', '', '+65 65363414', '0', '', '', '142 Neil Road Singapore 088871', '0000-00-00', '', '', 0, '2019-12-23 12:54:38', NULL, '', NULL, 'no', 'NON NKA', 0, NULL, NULL),

(11225, 27, 'ID', 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3172', 'COR', 155, 'Napindo Media Ashatama', '62218644756', '', '', '0', '', '', 'JL. Kelapa Sawit XIV, Blok M-1, No. 10 Kompleks Billy Moon', '0000-00-00', '13450', '', 0, '2019-12-23 14:20:32', NULL, '', NULL, 'no', 'NON NKA', 0, NULL, NULL),

INSERT INTO `contacts` (`idcontacts`, `idaccount_FK`, `KODE_PROP_FK`, `ID_KOTA_FK`, `idsales_FK`, `idsrc_FK`, `salutation`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `branch_name`, `title`, `department`, `phone_office`, `phone_office_ext`, `phone_fax`, `mobile`, `cont_email`, `otheremail`, `ym`, `address`, `postal_code`, `birthday`, `assistant`, `assistant_phone`, `description`, `date_created`, `date_modified`, `ip_address`, `ip_address_modified`, `contact_status`, `idinterest`, `idcontactrole`) VALUES

(6882, 5095, 'ID.26', 'ID.26.1275', 52, 10, 'Ms.', 'Devy', '', '', 'Bride', '', '6285922302298', '', '', '6285922302298', 'devychen97@gmail.com', '', '0', 'Jl. Kapten Maulana Lubis No. 8', '20112', '0000-00-00', NULL, '0', 'ms. devi\'s wedding will be held on 19 jan 2020. the total pax is around 32 table with adore package (1.988.000). ', '2019-02-25 11:53:17', '2019-08-10 14:23:07', '', '', 'active', '', 2),

(6883, 2770, 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3173', 80, 12, 'Mrs.', 'Nani', 'Suryani', 'Pusat Pengembangan Perpustakaan & Pengkajian Minat Baca', 'Kasubdit', 'Minat Baca', '021', '', '', '081296814450', 'nanisuryani@ymail.com', '', '0', 'Gedung C Lantai 4, Jl. Salemba Raya', '', '0000-00-00', NULL, '0', '', '2019-02-25 11:54:16', '2019-08-13 18:21:17', '', '', 'active', '2,6', 4),

(6884, 3235, 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3173', 37, 12, 'Ms.', 'Eve Caecaria R', 'Hutagalung', '', 'Contracting', 'Procurement', '021-8711032', '', '', '081290401183', 'evecaecaria.r.hutagalung@pfizer.com', '', '0', 'Jl. Raya Bogor Km 28 ', '', '0000-00-00', NULL, NULL, '', '2019-02-25 12:16:28', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', 'active', '15,6', 3),


Thank you, file is not there no more, could it be uploaded please?

Leaks data 04.2024
SQL (sales, contacts 40K+26K, accounts 17K+20K)

INSERT INTO `accounts` (`idaccount`, `idindustri_FK`, `countriescode_FK`, `KODE_PROP_FK`, `ID_KOTA_FK`, `idcomseg_FK`, `idsales_FK`, `account_name`, `office_phone`, `office_phone_ext`, `fax_phone`, `other_phone`, `acct_email`, `website`, `address`, `birthday`, `postal_code`, `description`, `parent`, `date_created`, `date_modified`, `ip_address`, `ip_address_modified`, `is_hca`, `account_type`, `parentid`, `zoneid_FK`, `areaid_FK`) VALUES

(11223, 67, 'ID', 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3173', 'GRG', 144, 'Kementrian Agama RI', '622131924509', '', '', '0', 'jakarta@kemenagri.go.id', ' ', 'Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.6 2 1, RT.2/RW.1, Kb. Sirih, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia', '0000-00-00', '10340', '', 0, '2019-12-23 11:55:24', NULL, '', NULL, 'no', 'NON NKA', 0, NULL, NULL),

(11224, 2, 'SG', 'SG.01', '', 'COR', 82, 'Asia Pacific MSME Trade Coalition (AMTC)', '+65 65363414', '', '+65 65363414', '0', '', '', '142 Neil Road Singapore 088871', '0000-00-00', '', '', 0, '2019-12-23 12:54:38', NULL, '', NULL, 'no', 'NON NKA', 0, NULL, NULL),

(11225, 27, 'ID', 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3172', 'COR', 155, 'Napindo Media Ashatama', '62218644756', '', '', '0', '', '', 'JL. Kelapa Sawit XIV, Blok M-1, No. 10 Kompleks Billy Moon', '0000-00-00', '13450', '', 0, '2019-12-23 14:20:32', NULL, '', NULL, 'no', 'NON NKA', 0, NULL, NULL),

INSERT INTO `contacts` (`idcontacts`, `idaccount_FK`, `KODE_PROP_FK`, `ID_KOTA_FK`, `idsales_FK`, `idsrc_FK`, `salutation`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `branch_name`, `title`, `department`, `phone_office`, `phone_office_ext`, `phone_fax`, `mobile`, `cont_email`, `otheremail`, `ym`, `address`, `postal_code`, `birthday`, `assistant`, `assistant_phone`, `description`, `date_created`, `date_modified`, `ip_address`, `ip_address_modified`, `contact_status`, `idinterest`, `idcontactrole`) VALUES

(6882, 5095, 'ID.26', 'ID.26.1275', 52, 10, 'Ms.', 'Devy', '', '', 'Bride', '', '6285922302298', '', '', '6285922302298', 'devychen97@gmail.com', '', '0', 'Jl. Kapten Maulana Lubis No. 8', '20112', '0000-00-00', NULL, '0', 'ms. devi\'s wedding will be held on 19 jan 2020. the total pax is around 32 table with adore package (1.988.000). ', '2019-02-25 11:53:17', '2019-08-10 14:23:07', '', '', 'active', '', 2),

(6883, 2770, 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3173', 80, 12, 'Mrs.', 'Nani', 'Suryani', 'Pusat Pengembangan Perpustakaan & Pengkajian Minat Baca', 'Kasubdit', 'Minat Baca', '021', '', '', '081296814450', 'nanisuryani@ymail.com', '', '0', 'Gedung C Lantai 4, Jl. Salemba Raya', '', '0000-00-00', NULL, '0', '', '2019-02-25 11:54:16', '2019-08-13 18:21:17', '', '', 'active', '2,6', 4),

(6884, 3235, 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3173', 37, 12, 'Ms.', 'Eve Caecaria R', 'Hutagalung', '', 'Contracting', 'Procurement', '021-8711032', '', '', '081290401183', 'evecaecaria.r.hutagalung@pfizer.com', '', '0', 'Jl. Raya Bogor Km 28 ', '', '0000-00-00', NULL, NULL, '', '2019-02-25 12:16:28', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', 'active', '15,6', 3),


*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

Leaks data 04.2024
SQL (sales, contacts 40K+26K, accounts 17K+20K)

INSERT INTO `accounts` (`idaccount`, `idindustri_FK`, `countriescode_FK`, `KODE_PROP_FK`, `ID_KOTA_FK`, `idcomseg_FK`, `idsales_FK`, `account_name`, `office_phone`, `office_phone_ext`, `fax_phone`, `other_phone`, `acct_email`, `website`, `address`, `birthday`, `postal_code`, `description`, `parent`, `date_created`, `date_modified`, `ip_address`, `ip_address_modified`, `is_hca`, `account_type`, `parentid`, `zoneid_FK`, `areaid_FK`) VALUES

(11223, 67, 'ID', 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3173', 'GRG', 144, 'Kementrian Agama RI', '622131924509', '', '', '0', 'jakarta@kemenagri.go.id', ' ', 'Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.6 2 1, RT.2/RW.1, Kb. Sirih, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia', '0000-00-00', '10340', '', 0, '2019-12-23 11:55:24', NULL, '', NULL, 'no', 'NON NKA', 0, NULL, NULL),

(11224, 2, 'SG', 'SG.01', '', 'COR', 82, 'Asia Pacific MSME Trade Coalition (AMTC)', '+65 65363414', '', '+65 65363414', '0', '', '', '142 Neil Road Singapore 088871', '0000-00-00', '', '', 0, '2019-12-23 12:54:38', NULL, '', NULL, 'no', 'NON NKA', 0, NULL, NULL),

(11225, 27, 'ID', 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3172', 'COR', 155, 'Napindo Media Ashatama', '62218644756', '', '', '0', '', '', 'JL. Kelapa Sawit XIV, Blok M-1, No. 10 Kompleks Billy Moon', '0000-00-00', '13450', '', 0, '2019-12-23 14:20:32', NULL, '', NULL, 'no', 'NON NKA', 0, NULL, NULL),

INSERT INTO `contacts` (`idcontacts`, `idaccount_FK`, `KODE_PROP_FK`, `ID_KOTA_FK`, `idsales_FK`, `idsrc_FK`, `salutation`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `branch_name`, `title`, `department`, `phone_office`, `phone_office_ext`, `phone_fax`, `mobile`, `cont_email`, `otheremail`, `ym`, `address`, `postal_code`, `birthday`, `assistant`, `assistant_phone`, `description`, `date_created`, `date_modified`, `ip_address`, `ip_address_modified`, `contact_status`, `idinterest`, `idcontactrole`) VALUES

(6882, 5095, 'ID.26', 'ID.26.1275', 52, 10, 'Ms.', 'Devy', '', '', 'Bride', '', '6285922302298', '', '', '6285922302298', 'devychen97@gmail.com', '', '0', 'Jl. Kapten Maulana Lubis No. 8', '20112', '0000-00-00', NULL, '0', 'ms. devi\'s wedding will be held on 19 jan 2020. the total pax is around 32 table with adore package (1.988.000). ', '2019-02-25 11:53:17', '2019-08-10 14:23:07', '', '', 'active', '', 2),

(6883, 2770, 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3173', 80, 12, 'Mrs.', 'Nani', 'Suryani', 'Pusat Pengembangan Perpustakaan & Pengkajian Minat Baca', 'Kasubdit', 'Minat Baca', '021', '', '', '081296814450', 'nanisuryani@ymail.com', '', '0', 'Gedung C Lantai 4, Jl. Salemba Raya', '', '0000-00-00', NULL, '0', '', '2019-02-25 11:54:16', '2019-08-13 18:21:17', '', '', 'active', '2,6', 4),

(6884, 3235, 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3173', 37, 12, 'Ms.', 'Eve Caecaria R', 'Hutagalung', '', 'Contracting', 'Procurement', '021-8711032', '', '', '081290401183', 'evecaecaria.r.hutagalung@pfizer.com', '', '0', 'Jl. Raya Bogor Km 28 ', '', '0000-00-00', NULL, NULL, '', '2019-02-25 12:16:28', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', 'active', '15,6', 3),


*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

Leaks data 04.2024
SQL (sales, contacts 40K+26K, accounts 17K+20K)

INSERT INTO `accounts` (`idaccount`, `idindustri_FK`, `countriescode_FK`, `KODE_PROP_FK`, `ID_KOTA_FK`, `idcomseg_FK`, `idsales_FK`, `account_name`, `office_phone`, `office_phone_ext`, `fax_phone`, `other_phone`, `acct_email`, `website`, `address`, `birthday`, `postal_code`, `description`, `parent`, `date_created`, `date_modified`, `ip_address`, `ip_address_modified`, `is_hca`, `account_type`, `parentid`, `zoneid_FK`, `areaid_FK`) VALUES

(11223, 67, 'ID', 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3173', 'GRG', 144, 'Kementrian Agama RI', '622131924509', '', '', '0', 'jakarta@kemenagri.go.id', ' ', 'Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.6 2 1, RT.2/RW.1, Kb. Sirih, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia', '0000-00-00', '10340', '', 0, '2019-12-23 11:55:24', NULL, '', NULL, 'no', 'NON NKA', 0, NULL, NULL),

(11224, 2, 'SG', 'SG.01', '', 'COR', 82, 'Asia Pacific MSME Trade Coalition (AMTC)', '+65 65363414', '', '+65 65363414', '0', '', '', '142 Neil Road Singapore 088871', '0000-00-00', '', '', 0, '2019-12-23 12:54:38', NULL, '', NULL, 'no', 'NON NKA', 0, NULL, NULL),

(11225, 27, 'ID', 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3172', 'COR', 155, 'Napindo Media Ashatama', '62218644756', '', '', '0', '', '', 'JL. Kelapa Sawit XIV, Blok M-1, No. 10 Kompleks Billy Moon', '0000-00-00', '13450', '', 0, '2019-12-23 14:20:32', NULL, '', NULL, 'no', 'NON NKA', 0, NULL, NULL),

INSERT INTO `contacts` (`idcontacts`, `idaccount_FK`, `KODE_PROP_FK`, `ID_KOTA_FK`, `idsales_FK`, `idsrc_FK`, `salutation`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `branch_name`, `title`, `department`, `phone_office`, `phone_office_ext`, `phone_fax`, `mobile`, `cont_email`, `otheremail`, `ym`, `address`, `postal_code`, `birthday`, `assistant`, `assistant_phone`, `description`, `date_created`, `date_modified`, `ip_address`, `ip_address_modified`, `contact_status`, `idinterest`, `idcontactrole`) VALUES

(6882, 5095, 'ID.26', 'ID.26.1275', 52, 10, 'Ms.', 'Devy', '', '', 'Bride', '', '6285922302298', '', '', '6285922302298', 'devychen97@gmail.com', '', '0', 'Jl. Kapten Maulana Lubis No. 8', '20112', '0000-00-00', NULL, '0', 'ms. devi\'s wedding will be held on 19 jan 2020. the total pax is around 32 table with adore package (1.988.000). ', '2019-02-25 11:53:17', '2019-08-10 14:23:07', '', '', 'active', '', 2),

(6883, 2770, 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3173', 80, 12, 'Mrs.', 'Nani', 'Suryani', 'Pusat Pengembangan Perpustakaan & Pengkajian Minat Baca', 'Kasubdit', 'Minat Baca', '021', '', '', '081296814450', 'nanisuryani@ymail.com', '', '0', 'Gedung C Lantai 4, Jl. Salemba Raya', '', '0000-00-00', NULL, '0', '', '2019-02-25 11:54:16', '2019-08-13 18:21:17', '', '', 'active', '2,6', 4),

(6884, 3235, 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3173', 37, 12, 'Ms.', 'Eve Caecaria R', 'Hutagalung', '', 'Contracting', 'Procurement', '021-8711032', '', '', '081290401183', 'evecaecaria.r.hutagalung@pfizer.com', '', '0', 'Jl. Raya Bogor Km 28 ', '', '0000-00-00', NULL, NULL, '', '2019-02-25 12:16:28', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', 'active', '15,6', 3),


*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

Leaks data 04.2024
SQL (sales, contacts 40K+26K, accounts 17K+20K)

INSERT INTO `accounts` (`idaccount`, `idindustri_FK`, `countriescode_FK`, `KODE_PROP_FK`, `ID_KOTA_FK`, `idcomseg_FK`, `idsales_FK`, `account_name`, `office_phone`, `office_phone_ext`, `fax_phone`, `other_phone`, `acct_email`, `website`, `address`, `birthday`, `postal_code`, `description`, `parent`, `date_created`, `date_modified`, `ip_address`, `ip_address_modified`, `is_hca`, `account_type`, `parentid`, `zoneid_FK`, `areaid_FK`) VALUES

(11223, 67, 'ID', 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3173', 'GRG', 144, 'Kementrian Agama RI', '622131924509', '', '', '0', 'jakarta@kemenagri.go.id', ' ', 'Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.6 2 1, RT.2/RW.1, Kb. Sirih, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia', '0000-00-00', '10340', '', 0, '2019-12-23 11:55:24', NULL, '', NULL, 'no', 'NON NKA', 0, NULL, NULL),

(11224, 2, 'SG', 'SG.01', '', 'COR', 82, 'Asia Pacific MSME Trade Coalition (AMTC)', '+65 65363414', '', '+65 65363414', '0', '', '', '142 Neil Road Singapore 088871', '0000-00-00', '', '', 0, '2019-12-23 12:54:38', NULL, '', NULL, 'no', 'NON NKA', 0, NULL, NULL),

(11225, 27, 'ID', 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3172', 'COR', 155, 'Napindo Media Ashatama', '62218644756', '', '', '0', '', '', 'JL. Kelapa Sawit XIV, Blok M-1, No. 10 Kompleks Billy Moon', '0000-00-00', '13450', '', 0, '2019-12-23 14:20:32', NULL, '', NULL, 'no', 'NON NKA', 0, NULL, NULL),

INSERT INTO `contacts` (`idcontacts`, `idaccount_FK`, `KODE_PROP_FK`, `ID_KOTA_FK`, `idsales_FK`, `idsrc_FK`, `salutation`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `branch_name`, `title`, `department`, `phone_office`, `phone_office_ext`, `phone_fax`, `mobile`, `cont_email`, `otheremail`, `ym`, `address`, `postal_code`, `birthday`, `assistant`, `assistant_phone`, `description`, `date_created`, `date_modified`, `ip_address`, `ip_address_modified`, `contact_status`, `idinterest`, `idcontactrole`) VALUES

(6882, 5095, 'ID.26', 'ID.26.1275', 52, 10, 'Ms.', 'Devy', '', '', 'Bride', '', '6285922302298', '', '', '6285922302298', 'devychen97@gmail.com', '', '0', 'Jl. Kapten Maulana Lubis No. 8', '20112', '0000-00-00', NULL, '0', 'ms. devi\'s wedding will be held on 19 jan 2020. the total pax is around 32 table with adore package (1.988.000). ', '2019-02-25 11:53:17', '2019-08-10 14:23:07', '', '', 'active', '', 2),

(6883, 2770, 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3173', 80, 12, 'Mrs.', 'Nani', 'Suryani', 'Pusat Pengembangan Perpustakaan & Pengkajian Minat Baca', 'Kasubdit', 'Minat Baca', '021', '', '', '081296814450', 'nanisuryani@ymail.com', '', '0', 'Gedung C Lantai 4, Jl. Salemba Raya', '', '0000-00-00', NULL, '0', '', '2019-02-25 11:54:16', '2019-08-13 18:21:17', '', '', 'active', '2,6', 4),

(6884, 3235, 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3173', 37, 12, 'Ms.', 'Eve Caecaria R', 'Hutagalung', '', 'Contracting', 'Procurement', '021-8711032', '', '', '081290401183', 'evecaecaria.r.hutagalung@pfizer.com', '', '0', 'Jl. Raya Bogor Km 28 ', '', '0000-00-00', NULL, NULL, '', '2019-02-25 12:16:28', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', 'active', '15,6', 3),


*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

Leaks data 04.2024
SQL (sales, contacts 40K+26K, accounts 17K+20K)

INSERT INTO `accounts` (`idaccount`, `idindustri_FK`, `countriescode_FK`, `KODE_PROP_FK`, `ID_KOTA_FK`, `idcomseg_FK`, `idsales_FK`, `account_name`, `office_phone`, `office_phone_ext`, `fax_phone`, `other_phone`, `acct_email`, `website`, `address`, `birthday`, `postal_code`, `description`, `parent`, `date_created`, `date_modified`, `ip_address`, `ip_address_modified`, `is_hca`, `account_type`, `parentid`, `zoneid_FK`, `areaid_FK`) VALUES

(11223, 67, 'ID', 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3173', 'GRG', 144, 'Kementrian Agama RI', '622131924509', '', '', '0', 'jakarta@kemenagri.go.id', ' ', 'Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.6 2 1, RT.2/RW.1, Kb. Sirih, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia', '0000-00-00', '10340', '', 0, '2019-12-23 11:55:24', NULL, '', NULL, 'no', 'NON NKA', 0, NULL, NULL),

(11224, 2, 'SG', 'SG.01', '', 'COR', 82, 'Asia Pacific MSME Trade Coalition (AMTC)', '+65 65363414', '', '+65 65363414', '0', '', '', '142 Neil Road Singapore 088871', '0000-00-00', '', '', 0, '2019-12-23 12:54:38', NULL, '', NULL, 'no', 'NON NKA', 0, NULL, NULL),

(11225, 27, 'ID', 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3172', 'COR', 155, 'Napindo Media Ashatama', '62218644756', '', '', '0', '', '', 'JL. Kelapa Sawit XIV, Blok M-1, No. 10 Kompleks Billy Moon', '0000-00-00', '13450', '', 0, '2019-12-23 14:20:32', NULL, '', NULL, 'no', 'NON NKA', 0, NULL, NULL),

INSERT INTO `contacts` (`idcontacts`, `idaccount_FK`, `KODE_PROP_FK`, `ID_KOTA_FK`, `idsales_FK`, `idsrc_FK`, `salutation`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `branch_name`, `title`, `department`, `phone_office`, `phone_office_ext`, `phone_fax`, `mobile`, `cont_email`, `otheremail`, `ym`, `address`, `postal_code`, `birthday`, `assistant`, `assistant_phone`, `description`, `date_created`, `date_modified`, `ip_address`, `ip_address_modified`, `contact_status`, `idinterest`, `idcontactrole`) VALUES

(6882, 5095, 'ID.26', 'ID.26.1275', 52, 10, 'Ms.', 'Devy', '', '', 'Bride', '', '6285922302298', '', '', '6285922302298', 'devychen97@gmail.com', '', '0', 'Jl. Kapten Maulana Lubis No. 8', '20112', '0000-00-00', NULL, '0', 'ms. devi\'s wedding will be held on 19 jan 2020. the total pax is around 32 table with adore package (1.988.000). ', '2019-02-25 11:53:17', '2019-08-10 14:23:07', '', '', 'active', '', 2),

(6883, 2770, 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3173', 80, 12, 'Mrs.', 'Nani', 'Suryani', 'Pusat Pengembangan Perpustakaan & Pengkajian Minat Baca', 'Kasubdit', 'Minat Baca', '021', '', '', '081296814450', 'nanisuryani@ymail.com', '', '0', 'Gedung C Lantai 4, Jl. Salemba Raya', '', '0000-00-00', NULL, '0', '', '2019-02-25 11:54:16', '2019-08-13 18:21:17', '', '', 'active', '2,6', 4),

(6884, 3235, 'ID.04', 'ID.04.3173', 37, 12, 'Ms.', 'Eve Caecaria R', 'Hutagalung', '', 'Contracting', 'Procurement', '021-8711032', '', '', '081290401183', 'evecaecaria.r.hutagalung@pfizer.com', '', '0', 'Jl. Raya Bogor Km 28 ', '', '0000-00-00', NULL, NULL, '', '2019-02-25 12:16:28', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', 'active', '15,6', 3),


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