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Let's emphasize the most important rules of this community: advertising is forbidden, data related to Pakistan is forbidden, and we do not and will not have a trading platform.

You can share your leaks and earn credits. To use the forum without restrictions, you need to upgrade your profile. Before creating new topics and posts, please read the possible errors and rules in the "Help" section.



This shows a full list of the smilies you can insert when posting a message.

BB codes

The list of BB codes you can use to spice up the look of your messages. This page shows a list of all BB codes that are available.

Hide BB codes

The list of hide BB codes you can use to spice up the look of your messages. This page shows a list of all hide BB codes that are available.


You can earn trophies by carrying out different actions. This page shows a list of the trophies that are available.


You can earn awards by carrying out different actions. This page shows a list of the awards that are available.

Cookie usage

This page explains how this site uses cookies.

Terms and rules

You must agree to these terms and rules before using the site.

Privacy policy

You must accept this policy before using the site.